Threshed straw is used to make Ekopanely boards, which is subject to high pressure when it is pressed in production. The straw core of the Ekopanely board is encased in three layers of recycled paper. After an Ekopanely board is installed into a structure, the surface is penetrated and a final surface finish is applied, which does not attract rodents.
Can Ekopanely boards be eaten by mice or other rodents?
Can Ekopanely boards be eaten by mice or other rodents?
Answered by:
Jan Bareš, CEO
Subject: Ekopanely
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Roman Chudomel, construction manager
Subject: Ekopanely
Installing an Ekopanely board is not a complicated process. Although it is a panel system, the basic technological procedures must...
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Roman Chudomel, construction manager
Subject: Ekopanely
Dry straw pressed to form a panel can last for up to 100 years. This has been proven by experience...
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Jan Bareš, CEO
Subject: Ekopanely
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Answered by:
Jan Bareš, CEO
Subject: Ekopanely
It will not burn! The straw in Ekopanely board is pressed under very high pressure so that it contains very...